Family Ties

The loyalists
The Chens are true SurTec veterans. Chen Hongshou, the father, began his professional journey at Freudenberg in 2003, working as a production employee at the Hangzhou site. His son, Chen Feng, joined the company in 2010 and now works as a warehouse and logistics supervisor, specializing in raw materials management. “At the time, the proximity to my home, the opportunities for further education, and the attractive terms spoke for themselves,” the logistics specialist said. “Today, as an employee, I especially appreciate the recognition from the company and its caring attitude. I still remember the farewell dinner that SurTec held in my father’s honor, for example, and the gifts that we children always received on Children’s Day.” He considers the experiences to be a good reason to do his best each day. “These values also reflect our own loyalty and connection to the company,” Chen said.

The extended family
It speaks volumes when entire extended families work in the same company. That has been the case for Judy Tyrrell and her family. In all, she can count 20 relatives who work – or have worked – at Freudenberg-NOK Sealing Technologies in the U.S. state of New Hampshire. They include sisters, brothers, brothers-in-law, a sister-in-law, a nephew and even her son for a time. Tyrrell’s husband works with her at the Ashland facility. Aware of these positive experiences, Tyrrell’s sister left her job as a nurse after 13 years and followed the example of her family. It all began with Judy Tyrrell’s mother Adelia Tarr. She initially worked at the International Packings Corporation in the 1970s, which became part of Freudenberg a short time later. “We all swear by Freudenberg,” said Tyrrell, who has handled numerous jobs in production over the course of her career, from machine operator to quality control. “As a great employer in the immediate vicinity, Freudenberg is naturally attractive, but we also feel supported and valued as employees, and that is something special in today’s world.”

The family people
Angelica Munoz, assistant to the General Manager of Vibracoustic in Lerma, Mexico, has an exciting job. Since 2011, she has not only taken care of her supervisor’s appointments – she also has been involved with receptions for important visitors and event planning. She has greatly enjoyed the work and has always been glad to talk about it with her family. “My son Andres practically grew up with my stories about Freudenberg,” Munoz Carrasco added. “So I was very happy when he began an internship at my location several years ago as part of his business studies.” Andres Velazquez is now a permanent member of the Vibracoustic Purchasing team in Lerma. “We both feel appreciated here, and during the workday, it seems as though we are part of a family community,” Munoz Carrasco added. This isn’t the first time that mother and son have been together in the same workplace. When Velazquez was a child, his mother taught English at his school. “So, he is used to seeing me in his professional environment,” his mother said with a laugh.

The devoted
For Rodrigo Pingueiro, his father Felipe was an important source of inspiration. "Through him, I learned that dedication and love for work are the be-all and end-all for a successful life in every respect," says the service engineer at EagleBurgmann in Valhinos, Brazil. "My father was a machinist and started his career in 1985. I still vividly remember the sparkle in my father's eyes and the joy he always felt at family reunions or conversations with friends and relatives when he mentioned the name of his employer." When Rodrigo started as a production assistant at the same location in 2005, he took it upon himself to perform his duties with the same enthusiasm and commitment. "Now, after 19 years with the company, I still carry that strong sense of belonging," Pingueiro continues. "Through my father, I understood that success depends on the love we feel for the people around us and our mission."

Working in a family environment
When Dr. Michael Horchler sits at a conference table in the Freudenberg company archives, he is automatically reminded of his father. That‘s because his dad was the source of that massive piece of furniture, which stood in top executives’ office space for many years.. A trained cabinetmaker, Helmut Horchler was not only responsible for furniture inside the company but in the homes of the Freudenberg family as well. His son deals with family history as the head of the company and family archives and has regular contact with shareholders. Similarly, there is a clear professional proximity to the family in his father’s case. The same is true for Michael Horchler’s great-uncle Michael Brehm. He joined the company in 1932 as a 14-year-old tanning apprentice. Hans Freudenberg quickly recognized the youth‘s potential, personally, promoted his career, and sent him to Karlsruhe for further education as a chemical lab technician. To be sure, the outbreak of World War II kept Brehm from pursuing further academic education, but he still was able to become manager of the plastics plant at Weinheim in 1958.

Odenwald folks
Sometimes the “Freudenberg gene” skips a generation. That was the case for the Otte family. Grandfather Reinhard fled to the German Federal Republic from the DDR in 1955 and hired on as a leather worker at Freudenberg just three weeks later. After further education as an operations technician, he began working in what was then the central lab in Weinheim in the 1970s. At that point, the former Northerner had already mastered the distinctive Odenwald dialect. Cousins Svenja and Fabian Otte, his grandchildren, followed in his footsteps and began their training as industrial sales staff in 2012 and 2019 respectively. Grandpa Reinhard and his two children are happy about that – even though they don’t work at Freudenberg, they have remained connected to the region. And they have helped carry the flower business of Reinhard Otte’s wife into the next generation.

The hobbyist-musicians
From the Odenwald out into the world – that's one way to sum up the life of Dieter Becker of Klüber Lubrication. Both his grandfather and his father were Freudenbergers. At the age of 14, his father started out in the “wet workshop” in the leather department and began working as an employee in production preparation in the Simmerwerk after World War II. “In addition to his enthusiasm for music, he imparted Freudenberg values to me early on and always encouraged me to do something stable, with a regular income, while pursuing my passion for drums, the accordion and the trombone,” Becker said. He had his first professional contact with Freudenberg as a young warehouse worker in Lutterworth in the United Kingdom, where his wife Beate was on assignment as a Freudenberg employee. After his return and studies in business administration for Freudenberg at the Mannheim Professional Academy, he held positions as a personnel specialist in Weinheim and as a sales employee in the United States, and then as a Lead Center manager back in Weinheim. After moving to Klüber Lubrication, he soon took over global sales management as well as Regional Management Board tasks and management positions in facilities throughout the world, including the USA, Germany and Switzerland. “Thanks to Freudenberg, I had many professional opportunities over 41 years and the chance to visit 54 countries,” Becker said. He continues to find joy in music. He plays in an accompanying band for a mixed choir, composes his own songs and takes part in jam sessions in Upper Bavaria.

The friends
Michael Miller and Kelly Smith can thank Michael‘s grandmother for their careers at Chem-Trend. During the 1960s, she had a restaurant near the Chem-Trend facility in Howell, Michigan, in the U.S.. She regularly served lunch to Chem-Trend employees and was aware of the company‘s good reputation. That’s why she regularly requested job interviews for friends and family. Her efforts were a great success. Not only her son, Michael Miller‘s father, started working at Chem- Trend a short time later. His aunt, his brother, his brother-in-law and his nephews followed. Michael himself came aboard in 1991 as a lawn-care employee and now works as a purchasing manager.
The Smiths, who were family friends, found their way to Chem-Trend via the Millers’ restaurant as well. Kelly Smith’s father and uncle were the first to join the company. His brothers followed during the 1970s, and he joined it in 1988. Smith is now a group leader in material handling. “Chem-Trend has always had our well-being at heart. That’s what makes it an exceptional employer,” Smith says. “We do our best every day to make the company successful,” Miller says. “In turn, our employer supports us when we have to deal with tough personal matters. That makes the relationship special.”

The developers
Count on them to be wherever they are needed: Huajin Luo and his son Dinglong Luo . Huajin Luo joined Freudenberg Filtration Technologies in Shunde, China, in 2007. Initially a production worker, he is now in charge of a manufacturing line. “My father was deeply impressed by the company’s success story, as well as its strong customer orientation, humanity, and social commitment. Aside from the opportunities for professional development, that is precisely what motivated me to apply for a job and join him at Freudenberg,” Dinglong Luo said. After he was hired in 2009, he worked as a quality inspector before moving to process technology in 2013 and taking over as manager in 2016. Today, Dinglong Luo is in charge of quality management. “My son and I both love our work. For me as a father, it has been very special to see my son grow within the company,” Huajin Luo says. Dinglong Luo expresses similar sentiments. “My father is my role model. We both strive to develop personally and keep moving forward. That is the foundation that we share.”

The inspectors
Cheryl Linnert still vividly remembers her first visit to Freudenberg. She was just a child when she attended an open house, where her father worked at the time as a production operator. 18 years later, Cheryl followed her father by applying for a job at Freudenberg.
Linnert now works as an inspector for Freudenberg Performance Materials in Cape Town, South Africa, in the same job as her father did. As inspectors, they ensure during the production process that the length and width of the nonwoven material meets the customer’s specifications. Jan Fransman is thrilled to watch his daughter’s career grow at Freudenberg. “Whether it’s as a workforce or for us personally as a family, Freudenberg has always been there for us since I started in 1979, and I am glad to see my daughter getting that same support today,” says Fransman.

The referees
The urge to stand up for fairness is in the Krastels’ genes. Until their retirement, the brothers Klaus and Bernd were members of works councils for Freudenberg companies in Weinheim, following the example of their father Walter. “As his sons, it was the most natural thing in the world for us to do our training at Freudenberg and later work on behalf of the company and its employees,” said Bernd Krastel. In their work, they have helped to actively shape the company’s transformation from a venerable, quite manageable Weinheim firm into a global technology company.
So it’s no surprise that Freudenberg was a main topic of conversation at home after work and that Bernd’s son would work at Freudenberg today. “I was always impressed by the deep sense of belonging – both on site and internationally,” said Christopher Krastel . The young man has something else in common with his grandfather and his uncle. As football referees, they all stand for fairness on the pitch. Support also comes from the female side: Christopher Krastel’s cousin, Anja Krastel provides the family with sustenance in the Weinheim cafeteria.

The team spirit enthusiasts
For this family, team spirit comes first: Maria Dolhainé Orgovan, her husband Norbert Dolhai and their son Milan appreciate their employer Vibracoustic above all, because of the sense of togetherness. “The site here in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary, is comparatively small and everyone knows each other,” says Norbert, who started working for Vibracoustic more than 20 years ago as a production employee. After holding positions in assembly, vulcanization and the warehouse, Norbert is now a shift supervisor. “The atmosphere is excellent, and many colleagues have become our friends,” says Norbert’s wife Maria Dolhainé Orgovan, who has worked for Freudenberg for around 14 years in quality control and assembly. Milan grew up seeing the positive impressions Freudenberg left on his parents and joined the company two years ago. “If someone has a problem, they get help here. That’s something I really appreciate, in addition to the flexibility and the numerous job opportunities.

The sales engineers
Juliana Matos got her first taste of the international world of Freudenberg with the help of TANNER. She was the first young person from Brazil to travel abroad with the company’s then brand-new exchange program in 1999. Her father, Carlos Matos, worked as an engineer for Freudenberg Filtration Technologies and built up the Brazilian sales team. A few years later, when an account manager was needed for Freudenberg-NOK Sealing Technologies in Diadema, Brazil, her father encouraged her to apply. “I remember my father always worked wholeheartedly for Freudenberg,” Juliana Matos says. “He often invited colleagues, supervisors and business partners to our home, because he didn’t like sterile business dinners in restaurants. So, I was familiar with the company from an early age.” Matos has since followed in her father’s footsteps, graduating with a degree in engineering and – like her father – is responsible for sales and customer topics. She has also retained her love of travel. After working in the USA and Brazil, she is currently based in Weinheim.

The chemistry enthusiasts
Chemistry seems to be in the Kilian/Hallstein family’s blood. When he was offered a position in the main laboratory shortly after his apprenticeship as a dyer in the 1950s, Manfred Kilian didn’t need to consider it for long. A champion swimmer, he loved a good challenge. And soon tanning trials, analyses and microscopes were part of his daily routine. Even his daughter followed him into the company several years later and met her future husband, a chemical technician, there.
So with so much enthusiasm for chemistry, it was no surprise that granddaughter Katharina Hallstein would pursue a scientific career. She has worked as a technician in chemical technology since 2009 – today on the same team where her dad once worked. “Freudenberg always loomed large in our home,“ Hallstein said. “I often visited my father here and spent time in Houston, Texas with the former exchange program TANNER. Freudenberg has now become a family to me.”
175 years of Freudenberg

On the Trail of the Founder
His name, Carl Johann Freudenberg, is pivotal to today's technology company's success. Founded in Weinheim 175 years ago on February 9, 1849, by him and a partner, it swiftly rose to global prominence. The story of this enterprise is well-documented in modern archives. Yet, what does this record reveal about Carl Johann's personality and influence on Freudenberg's corporate values?
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Discover the world of Freudenberg
We are as diverse as our people, products and applications. Explore the captivating world of Freudenberg through compelling stories, insightful reports, and exclusive interviews.
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